Voja Radovanović - Selected Publications

Field theory on nonanticommutative superspace

Marija Dimitrijević, Voja Radovanović, and Julius Wess
Journal of High Energy Physics 12, 059 (2007)

Twisted supersymmetry: Twisted symmetry versus renormalizability

Marija Dimitrijević, Biljana Nikolić, and Voja Radovanović
Physical Review D 83, 065010 (2011)

(Non)renormalizability of the D-deformed Wess-Zumino model

Marija Dimitrijević, Biljana Nikolić, and Voja Radovanović
Physical Review D 81, 105020 (2010)

D-deformed Wess-Zumino model and its renormalizability properties

Marija Dimitrijević and Voja Radovanović
Journal of High Energy Physics 04, 108 (2009)

Nonzero Z→γγ decays in the renormalizable gauge sector of the noncommutative standard model

M. Burić, D. Latas, V. Radovanović, and J. Trampetić
Physical Review D 75, 097701 (2007)

The one-loop renormalization of the gauge sector in the θ-expanded noncommutative standard model

Maja Burić, Voja Radovanović, and Josip Trampetić
Journal of High Energy Physics 03, 030 (2007)

Quantization of gauge theory on a curved noncommutative space

M. Burić, M. Dimitrijević, V. Radovanović, and M. Wohlgenannt
Physical Review D 86, 105024 (2012)

Renormalizability of noncommutative SU(N) gauge theory

M. Burić, D. Latas, and V. Radovanović
Journal of High Energy Physics 02, 046 (2006)

Non-renormalizability of noncommutative SU(2) gauge theory with fermions

Maja Burić and Voja Radovanović
Journal of High Energy Physics 02, 040 (2004)

The one-loop effective action for quantum electrodynamics on noncommutative space

Maja Burić and Voja Radovanović

Journal of High Energy Physics 10, 074 (2002)
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