Irreducible and site-symmetry-induced representations of single/double ordinary/grey
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B. Nikolić, I. Milošević, T. Vuković, N. Lazić, S. Dmitrović, Z. Popović and M. Damnjanović

Acta Crystallographica Section A 78, 107-114 (2022)

Elementary band co-representations for (double)-grey line group

S. Dmitrović, T. Vuković, I. Milošević, and M. Damnjanović

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55, 385201 (2022)

Two-dimensional ferromagnetic systems with finite driving

Dj. Spasojević and S. Janićević

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Tuneable hysteresis loop and multifractal oscillations of magnetisation in weakly
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Interplay of disorder and type of driving in disordered ferromagnetic systems

Dj. Spasojević, S. Graovac, and S. Janićević

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Interplay of disorder and type of driving in disordered ferromagnetic systems

Dj. Spasojević, S. Graovac, and S. Janićević

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Electron-phonon (de)coupling in 2D

B. Nikolić, I. Milošević, and M. Damnjanović

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Determining Rashba spin-orbit coupling strength in InSb nanowire quantum dots:
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M. Milivojević

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Electrical control of the hole spin qubit in Si and Ge nanowire quantum dots

M. Milivojević

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Scaling domains in the nonequilibrium athermal random field Ising model of finite

N. Janićević, D. Knežević, S. Mijatović, and Dj. Spasojević

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A tool for identifying the criticality in the disordered systems with metastable

S. Mijatović, D. Jovković, S. Janićević, S. Graovac, and Dj. Spasojević

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Nonequilibrium athermal random-field Ising model on hexagonal lattices

S. Mijatović, D. Jovković, and Dj. Spasojević

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Mechanism of subcritical avalanche propagation in three-dimensional disordered

S. Graovac, S. Mijatović, and Dj. Spasojević

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The effect of finite driving rate on avalanche distributions

S. Radić, S. Janićević, D. Jovković, and Dj. Spasojević

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Elementary band representations for (double)-line groups

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Electronic Band Topology of Monoclinic MoS2  Monolayer: Study Based on Elementary
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Spin-Orbit Effects in MoS2  Nanotubes

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Control of a spin qubit in a lateral GaAs quantum dot based on symmetry of gating

P. Stipsić, and M. Milivojević

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Avalanche properties in striplike ferromagnetic systems

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Symmetry of rigid-layer modes: Raman and infrared activity

Z. P. Popović, B. Nikolić, I. Milošević, and M. Damnjanović

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Symmetry-Based Electron-Phonon Decoupling and Jahn-Teller Theorem Violation in
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Maximal thermal entanglement using three-spin interactions

M. Milivojević

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Critical disorder and critical magnetic field of the nonequilibrium athermal random-
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Rigid Unit Modes in Layers and Nanotubes

B. Nikolić, Z. P. Popović, I. Milošević, and M. Damnjanović

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Spin Splitting in Quasi-One Dimensional Systems

M. Milivojević, N. Lazić, M. Damnjanović, and T. Vuković,

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Double line groups: structure, irreducible representations and spin splitting of the

N. Lazić, M. Milivojević, T. Vuković, and M. Damnjanović

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Symmetric spin-orbit interaction in triple quantum dot and minimisation of spin-orbit
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Marko Milivojević

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The fuzzy BTZ

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Noncommutative D=5 Chern-Simons gravity: Kaluza-Klein reduction and chiral
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Page curve for an eternal Schwarzschild black hole in a dimensionally reduced model
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Noncommutative scalar field in the nonextremal Reissner-Nordström background:
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Discrete fuzzy de Sitter cosmology

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Canonical deformation of N=2 AdS4 supergravity

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Landau levels from noncommutative U(1)  gauge theory in κ-Minkowski space-time

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Dirac field and gravity in NC SO(2,3)  model

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Yang-Mills Theory in the SO(2,3)  Model of Noncommutative Gravity

M. Dimitrijević Ćirić, D. Gočanin, N. Konjik, and V. Radovanović

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Noncommutative Electrodynamics from SO(2,3)  Model of Noncommutative Gravity

M. Dimitrijević Ćirić, D. Gočanin, N. Konjik, and V. Radovanović

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SO(2,3)  Noncommutative Gravity: Coupling with Matter Fields

M. Dimitrijević Ćirić, D. Gočanin, N. Konjik, and V. Radovanović

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On the use of Ar I 517.753 nm spectral line for electric field measurements in the
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Quantum verification and estimation with few copies

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Sample-efficient device-independent quantum state verification and certification

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Estimation of the maximum electric field strength in the cathode sheath of a Grimm-
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Study of the Ar II spectral line shape in the cathode sheath region of glow discharge

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Application of GK¹Σ g + , ν'=0→B¹Σ u + , ν''=0 hydrogen band for the axial temperature
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Braided L ∞ -Algebras, Braided Field Theory and Noncommutative Gravity

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Microscopic derivation of Dirac composite fermion theory: Aspects of
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Detecting scaling in phase transitions on the truncated Heisenberg algebra

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Simulating indefinite causal order with Rindler observers

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Bells theorem for trajectories

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Electrical control of a spin qubit in InSb nanowire quantum dots: Strongly suppressed
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L ∞ -algebras of Einstein‒Cartan‒Palatini gravity

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Q-branch of Fulcher-α diagonal bands for determination of the axial temperature
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Complex UV Ne II line shapes in the cathode sheath of an abnormal glow discharge

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Experimental few-copy multipartite entanglement detection

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The critical Barkhausen avalanches in thin random-field ferromagnets with an open

B. Tadić, S. Mijatović, S. Janićević, D. Spasojević,and G. Rodgers

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Noncommutative field theory from angular twist

M. Dimitrijević Ćirić, N. Konjik, M. A. Kurkov, F. Lizzi, and P. Vitale

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Nonassociative differential geometry and gravity with non-geometric fluxes

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Phonon anomalies in FeS

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On the central limit theorem for unsharp quantum random variables

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Anisotropy of spin-polarized transport in a ferromagnet/d-wave superconductor
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Zero Bias Conductance in d-Wave Superconductor/Ferromagnet/d-Wave
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Zorica Popović, Predrag Miranović, and Radomir Zikić

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Threshold-induced correlations in the Random Field Ising Model

Sanja Janićević, Dragutin Jovković, Lasse Laurson, and Djordje Spasojević

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Crossover from three-dimensional to two-dimensional systems in the nonequilibrium
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Single-copy entanglement detection

Aleksandra Dimić, and Borivoje Dakić

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