Milan Damnjanović - Selected Publications

Line Groups in Physics: Theory and Applications to Nanotubes and Polymers

Milan Damnjanović and Ivanka Milošević
Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 801 (Springer, Berlin 2010)

Symmetry in Quantum Nonrelativistic Physics

Milan Damnjanović
(SFIN, Belgrade 1995; 2nd ed. 2013)

Hilbert Spaces and Groups

Milan Damnjanović
(Faculty of Physics, Belgrade 2009; in Serbian)

Full symmetry, optical activity, and potentials of single-wall and multiwall nanotubes

M. Damnjanović, I. Milošević, T. Vuković, and R. Sredanović
Physical Review B 60, 2728 (1999)

Modified group projectors: tight-binding method

M. Damnjanović, T. Vuković, and I. Milošević
Journal of Physics A 33, 6561 (2000)

Phonon dispersion of graphite by inelastic x-ray scattering

M. Mohr, J. Maultzsch, E. Dobardžić, S. Reich, I. Milošević, M. Damnjanović, A. Bosak, M. Krisch, and C. Thomsen
Physical Review B 76, 035439 (2007)

Symmetry based analysis of the Kohn anomaly and electron-phonon interaction in graphene and carbon nanotubes

I. Milošević, N. Kepčija, E. Dobardžić, M. Mohr, J. Maultzsch, C. Thomsen, and M. Damnjanović
Physical Review B 81, 233410 (2010)

Natural torsion in chiral single-wall carbon nanotubes

N. Lazić, T. Vuković, G. Volonakis, I. Milošević, S. Logothetidis, and M. Damnjanović
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 485302 (2012)

Mechanical coupling in homogeneously deformed single-wall carbon nanotubes

S. Dmitrović, T. Vuković, Z. P. Popović, I. Milošević, and M. Damnjanović
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 145301 (2013)

Spin line groups

N. Lazić, M. Milivojević, and M. Damnjanović
Acta Crystallographica A 69, 611 (2013)

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