Maja Burić - Selected Publications

On noncommutative spherically symmetric spaces

Maja Burić and John Madore
European Physical Journal C 74, 2820 (2014)

Quantization of gauge theory on a curved noncommutative space

M. Burić, M. Dimitrijević, V. Radovanović, and M. Wohlgenannt
Physical Review D 86, 105024 (2012)

Chiral fermions in noncommutative electrodynamics: Renormalizability and dispersion

Maja Burić, Duško Latas, Voja Radovanović, and Josip Trampetić
Physical Review D 83, 045023 (2011)

Gauge fields on noncommutative geometries with curvature

M. Burić, H. Grosse, and J. Madore
Journal of High Energy Physics 7, 010 (2010)

Nonzero Z→γγ decays in the renormalizable gauge sector of the noncommutative standard model

M. Burić, D. Latas, V. Radovanović, and J. Trampetić
Physical Review D 75, 097701 (2007)

The one-loop effective action for quantum electrodynamics on noncommutative space

Maja Burić and Voja Radovanović
Journal of High Energy Physics 10, 074 (2002)

Quantum corrections for a Bañados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole via the 2D reduced model

Maja Burić, Marija Dimitrijević, and Voja Radovanović
Physical Review D 65, 064022 (2002)

One-loop corrections for a Schwarzschild black hole via 2D dilaton gravity

Maja Burić, Voja Radovanović, and Aleksandar Miković
Physical Review D 59, 084002 (1999)

Wess-Zumino effective action for supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories

Maja Marinković
Nuclear Physics B 366, 74 (1991)

Towards a quantum theory of real measurements: Domain of the measurement and range of the appratus

Maja Marinković and Milan Damnjanović
Physics Letters A 122, 393 (1987)

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