Ivanka Milošević - Selected Publications

Full symmetry implementation in condensed matter and molecular physics – Modified group projector technique

Milan Damnjanović and Ivanka Milošević
Physics Reports 581, 1 (2015)

Line Groups in Physics: Theory and Applications to Nanotubes and Polymers

Milan Damnjanović and Ivanka Milošević
Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 801 (Springer, Berlin 2010)

Electronic Band Topology of Monoclinic MoS2 Monolayer: Study Based on Elementary Band Representations for Layer Groups

I. Milošević, Z. P. Popović B. Nikolić, and M. Damnjanović
Physica Status Solidi – Rapid Research Letters 14, 2000351 (2020)

Elementary band representations for (double)-line groups

I. Milošević, S. Dmitrović, T. Vuković, A. Dimić and M. Damnjanović
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 53, 455204 (2020)

Electron-phonon (de)coupling in 2D

B. Nikolić, I. Milošević and M. Damnjanović
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 126, 114468 (2021)

Symmetry Based Electron Phonon Decoupling and Jahn Teller Theorem Violation in Specific Crystalline Structures

I. Milošević, B. Nikolić and M. Damnjanović
Physica Status Solidi B 256, 201900242 (2019)

Symmetry of rigid-layer modes: Raman and infrared activity

Z. P. Popović, B. Nikolić, I. Milošević and M. Damnjanović
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 114, 113613 (2019)

Symmetry based analysis of the Kohn anomaly and electron-phonon interaction in graphene and carbon nanotubes

I. Milošević, N. Kepčija, E. Dobardžić, M. Mohr, J. Maultzsch, C. Thomsen, and M. Damnjanović
Physical Review B 81, 233410 (2010)

Symmetry based Study of MoS2 and WS2 Nanotubes

M. Damnjanović, T. Vuković and I. Milošević
Israel Journal of Chemistry 57, 201600043 (2017)

Phonon transport in helically coiled carbon nanotubes

Z. P. Popović, M. Damnjanović and I. Milošević
Carbon 77,281 (2014)

Electronic Properties of Strained Carbon Nanotubes: Impact of Induced Deformations

S. Dmitrović, I. Milošević, M. Damnjanović and T. Vuković
J. Phys. Chem. C 119, 13922 (2015)

Raman Intensities of Totally Symmetrical Modes of Homogeneously Deformed Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

B. Nikolić, I. Milošević, and M. Damnjanović
J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 20576 (2014)

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